A donut shop that is opening a location at a YMCA in a city just outside of Boston will not be selling donuts because they are not healthy, The Patriot Ledger reports.
Instead, this particular Honey Dew Donuts in Quincy, Mass., plans to offer more wholesome items on its menu — low-fat muffins, salads, sandwiches, fruit, and yogurt — a decision that is “definitely tailored to the healthy lifestyle the Y supports,” Sara Trubiano, South Shore YMCA spokesperson, told The Patriot Ledger.
The newspaper points out that some of the shop’s low-calorie options actually have more calories than the donuts. For instance, its “Low Fat Blueberry Muffin” has 430 calories, while in comparison, its “Chocolate Frosted Donut” has 280 calories, its “Boston Cream Donut” has 320, plus the miniature, round “Honey Dew Drops” are 75 calories each. That said, the muffins do contain more fiber and protein than the donuts.
Yet presumably if you are the type of person who works out at the YMCA everyday, then you can have an occasional donut and feel guilt-free. Remember, do everything in moderation.