As tensions between Venezuela and Colombia heighten, President of Venezuela Hugo Chavez warns his country will cease all exports of oil to the United States if Venezuela suffers a military attack.
Tensions are on the rise between Venezuela and Colombia as a result of Columbian accusations that Venezuela is providing refuge to Colombian rebels. These accusations prompted an emergency meeting of the Organization of American States one week ago. There, Columbia provided photos as evidence of camps belonging to the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Columbia (FARC) in Venezuela.
Venezuela denied all accusations and has responded by severing diplomatic ties with Colombia.
At a recent political assembly, Chavez is quoted, “The Yankee empire has no limit to its manipulation” in accusing the U.S. of supporting a potential attack. Were Colombia to attack, Chavez announced Venezuela would cease oil supply to the United States “even if we have to eat rocks” in consequence.
Venezuela is the fifth largest source of crude oil to the U.S, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. (via Yahoo! News)