WATCH: What’s in the ‘World’s Most Expensive’ Cup of Starbucks?

What's the most you've ever laid down for a cup of Joe? A couple bucks? A dozen? North of $20 at some crazy-upscale five-star eatery? How about $47 and change?

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What’s the most you’ve ever laid down for a cup of Joe? A couple bucks? A dozen? North of $20 at some crazy-upscale five-star eatery?

How about $47 and change?

Okay, we can’t say with scientific certainty that it’s really the most expensive cup of coffee in the world — all we have is a video claim, and just imagine what a cup might have run in the Weimar Republic — but $47.30 technically blows last year’s reported $23.60, 16-espresso-shot monster out of the water.

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Gourmet java thrill-seeker Beau Chevassus dropped by a Starbucks in Enumclaw, Wash. and proceeded to order “some sort of venti frappuccino” made macchiato-style, then loaded it up with soy, strawberries, mango, mocha drizzle, matcha powder, protein powder, two bananas, caramel brulée topping, caramel drizzle, vanilla bean, frappuccino chips and — wait for it — a whopping 48 shots of espresso, technically making it a “quadriginoctuple” frap. If we assume about 75mg of caffeine per shot of Starbucks espresso, we’re talking a heart-stopping 3,600 mg, or something like 11 full 16 oz. cups of Starbucks coffee (that’d be a “Grande” size cup, btw). And that’s not counting all those sugar-packed extras.

The price might have been a tick higher, but the cost-conscious Chevassus managed to expertly knock $0.10 off the total by bringing in his own 52 oz. mug (Starbucks’ largest cup size is the comparably humble 31 oz. “Trenta”). In fact it sounds like Chevassus didn’t actually spend a dime: According to the New York Daily News, because it was Chevassus’s birthday, he wound up getting the monstrous concoction on the house.

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