Reading While Eating for Mar. 1: Let’s Sequester

In today's must-read links for your lunch break: The sequester is upon us, but at least there's a huge Hogwarts castle made out of LEGO.

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Alex Wong / Getty Images

U.S. Speaker of the House Rep. John Boehner (R-OH) pauses as he speaks during a news conference on February 28 in Washington, DC.

The Sequester Is Going to Happen. (Maybe.) Speaker of the House John Boehner decided to end negotiations over the automatic budget cuts set to take place today, drawing praise from fellow Republicans in Congress. Nevertheless, rumors of 11th hour talks endure. (New York Times)

Attention Harry Potter Fans: Hogwarts is now in LEGO form. Do with this information what you will. Except tracking down this 400,000-brick model and destroying it. That would be totally uncool. (Flavorwire)

How to Build an Ice Hotel. Probably not something you can do in your backyard, unless your backyard is an enormous frozen tundra with ideal conditions. (mental_floss)

World’s Oldest Marathoner Retires. Fauja Singh, 101, ran his last race on Feb. 24. He took up running back when he was a sprightly 89-year-old. (Divanee)

Six of Television’s Most Violent Deaths. Most of your “favorites” are likely on here. Not on the list: the one from Banshee a few weeks back. It was very gruesome—would definitely avoid if you’re the squeamish type. (

An Awkward Moment on a Sublime Night. Does everyone remember that Steph Curry dropped 54 on the Knicks at the Garden on Wednesday night? What you might not remember is the ignored offer of a high-five from teammate Draymond Green following Curry’s tenth three-pointer of the night. Enjoy it in all of its brutal, GIF-tastic unrequitedness. (BuzzFeed)

Oscar Fashion Report: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. Feels like we’ve been waiting all year for this moment and it’s finally here. Oscars. Clothing. Celebrities. Yay. (Go Fug Yourself)

Parody Ad of the Day: Shaky Grove, a treatment center for those dealing with post-traumatic ‘Harlem Shake’ disorder. Never has the word “parody” been so disappointing for thousands of ill-advised Americans. (YouTube via The Daily What)
