A great Santa is one who, according to International University of Santa Claus director Timothy Connaghan, 65, (aka “Santa Hollywood”), wins over “that second grader who is kind of on the fence and doesn’t know whether to continue believing or to go with what his friends say, which is that Mom and Dad are [playing Santa]. That’s what parents really love, when their children can continue believing for one more year.”
Based on recommendations from Connaghan, a big red suit wearer for 45 years, Susen Mesco, a “Mrs. Claus” for more than 30 years who runs the American Events’s Professional Santa Claus School in Denver, and Ernest Berger, founder of the charitable organization Santa-America, NewsFeed spotlights some of the best Santas in the U.S. Several men and women on this list do more than sit in a chair and give out presents. They give back to the some of the neediest children and families this holiday season.