This Cafe Will Make You Pay More for Being Rude

Food for thought.

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A French café’s tongue-in-cheek reminder that “kindness counts” is going viral on Twitter.

The Guardian reports via Nice-Matin that La Petite Syrah in Nice put up a blackboard that promoted discounts on coffee for patrons who mind their manners, joking that a coffee costs 7 euros, a coffee with a “please” at the end costs 4.25 euros, and a “Hello, a coffee, please” costs a mere 1.40 euros.


Café owner Fabrice Pepino told The Local that the restaurant has not started enforcing the policy yet and said the sign, which “started as a joke,” is supposed to be a friendly jab at the snippy customers who barge in during lunch hour.

But in the past year, a few restaurants have actually tried to reduce disruptions in creative ways, such as offering discounts to customers who leave their phones at the door.