This Kid’s Cover of Elvis’ “Blue Christmas” Is So Good It’s Creepy


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There are some stories that just don’t work on the radio, because they have to be seen to be believed.

For example, when David Thibault delivered his eerily pitch-perfect cover of Elvis Presley’s “Blue Christmas” on CKOI Quebec this week, radio listeners probably had no idea that the person delivering the track was a gangly 16-year old strumming along on his guitar. In fact, listeners who just tuned in probably thought the French-Canadian radio show was playing a recording of The King himself.

The video of the radio appearance, though, shows how truly jaw-droppingly incongruous it is to watch Elvis’ voice come out of a youngster’s mouth, complete with stunned radio station staff gawking as the teen let loose and tapped into his inner Elvis.

Watch the video above and then check out The King’s version below:


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