Tuesday’s lunch links are lunch themed. Break bread over the internet with others eating sandwiches and Japanese sushi candy “Lunchables.”
The New Anchor: Cable news personality Keith Olbermann announced Tuesday morning that he’s joining CurrentTV. He joked Monday over Twitter that his new position was with the Yankees. (NY Times)
All Things Sandwich: Want some company while you eat that sandwich at your desk? See doodles of all types of people eating the lunch staple. (Things Eating Sandwiches)
A Google First: Google surprised everyone who opened up the search engine this morning with its first interactive doodle, in celebration of Jules Verne’s birthday. Try not to get seasick as your searches send you 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.
James Dean’s Legacy: See photos of the iconic actor on what would have been his 80th birthday. (LIFE)
Shark Attack Central: The U.S. tops a world list for the most shark attacks. The national leader? Florida, of course, with 13 reported attacks. (Discovery News)
All the Cool Kids are Bullying: A new study shows that the reason school kids bully is because they are popular. There goes all of the justifications parents told their picked-on children about bullies lacking self-confidence and having deep emotional issues.
Facebook Stalker: Mark Zuckerberg filed a restraining order against a stalker, Pradeep Manukonda, who messaged him on Facebook that he is ready to die for him. Facebook stalking should no longer be considered a harmless activity.
Japanese Lunchable: The craziest stuff comes out of Japan, like this box of liquids and gels that transform into candy sushi? (The Daily What)
Must See: A little girl named Nina explains the current Mideast unrest in clearer terms than, well, anyone. We detect the makings of a future professor. (YouTube Trends)