Breaking News: Justin Bieber Gets a New Haircut

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Is this the most significant haircut in history?

If you thought that question was prone to hyperbole, you’re clearly not a true Belieber. The 16 year-old pop juggernaut that is Justin Bieber has shorn his bowl-cut locks, in favor of a “mature” new look, which is sure to have set many pulses positively racing.

(More on See pictures of Justin Bieber)

Inevitably, Bieber let us know what he was up to via the medium that is Twitter. He started off on Monday by simply stating, “Thinking about getting a haircut….hmmmmmm.” If you thought that was profound, he then followed up after the deed was done, with, “yeah so it’s true…i got a lil haircut…i like it…and we are giving all the hair cut to charity to auction. Details coming soon.” The earth-shattering event took place on the set of a music video and if you’re unhappy, the hands of blame go to Bieber’s resident hairdresser Vanessa Price.

Website TMZ got the scoop, as the Canadian heartthrob (a phrase one is obliged to write in stories such as these) explained that he, “wanted to change it up” because he was after a, “kind of mature” look. As he explained, “It’s been three years, and my hair was always getting in my eyes, and it was time for a change.” Beautifully put, sir.

(More on See more on Justin Bieber.)

Reaction online is polarized between those in favor (“#riphairflip As if justin wouldn’t be just as awesome just because he got his hair cut.”) and those not quite so happy (put it like this: the sarcasm is dripping from their keyboards). But whatever you think, the fact that it’s trending as high as the tragic New Zealand earthquake cannot be a good thing.

And while NewsFeed applauds Bieber’s brave new direction, we nevertheless offer the following note of caution: take care that your career doesn’t go the way of your locks, Justin. Or to put it another way: you don’t want to be hair today, gone tomorrow. (via OK!)