But it’s OK, right? Because Congressional candidate Dan Adler is Jewish – and his wife is Korean.
Dan Adler, a Democrat, is running for Jane Harman’s vacated Congressional seat in California’s 36th district – but what’s his platform? Well, simply that he’s a “minority.” And that he can get along with other minorities because he’s married to one, too.
LIST: The best viral campaign ads of 2010
Now NewsFeed is all for diversity and politicians representing the people, but there’s something a bit fishy about this one. “Asians are 15 percent of the voters here,” the commercial starts. In front of a strip mall containing a dry cleaners and a Laundromat. Think we wouldn’t pick up on that one?
And when the thick-accented Korean woman pipes up, the ad turns cringe-worthy. She’s clearly spliced in for shock value – and her “I’m Korean!” proclamation is both unnecessary and awkward. “We minorities should stick together,” the ad proclaims. Because surely the plight of a Hollywood studio exec is comparable to that of an Asian immigrant. We’re not knocking Adler’s ability to “get sh—done” (also one of his campaign slogans), but we are a bit skeptical of his sincerity.
But as the mantra goes, no press is bad press, and his videos continue to go viral. “If being unconventional will wake some [voters] up, then I am thrilled to be a part of that,” he told Talking Points Memo.
Voters will head to the polls Tuesday in the 36th district, which covers the Pacific coast of Los Angeles County, including Manhattan Beach and Venice.
More on TIME: Why political ads lie