Think your bachelor party was your last taste of freedom? Now, men are having parties in anticipation of their first child, The Huffington Post reports.
They are called all different things — daddymoons, man-showers, dadelor (or dadchelor) parties — but the concept is the same: Gather your male friends together. Drink. Go to the casino or baseball game or foreign destination. And cherish your last moments of not having a kid.
(LIST: A Brief History of Bachelor Parties)
So what’s behind the new trend? Carley Roney, editor in chief of, a website for expectant mothers and new moms, told Huffington Post that these dad-centered celebrations have taken off in the last year or two and are a response to changes in parenting norms.
“In the (19)50s it all fell on the girls,” Roney said. “Now, it’s a shared responsibility. Guys are just as overwhelmed by the thought of how much their lives are going to change. This is the antidote to that, the hedge against it.”
Roney also says that because couples are having their first child later in life, they have had more time to enjoy last-minute trips, sleep, and alone time, and panic at the thought of losing those luxuries. “People are like, ‘You wouldn’t believe it: you’re not going to get any sleep and you’re never going to have sex again,'” she said. “The picture of parenthood that’s been painted is so dire, it seems like you do need a last night of freedom.”