The not-so-subliminal message on the actress’ nail polish may add agita to an already troublesome week.
Lohan was sentenced on Tuesday to 90 days in jail and 90 days of in-patient rehabilitation for violating her probation.
But complicating matters is Wednesday’s news – and rather startling photos – that Lohan had the phrase “f**k u” inscribed on a finger during the hearing. Her middle finger.
The Los Angeles Times reports that Lohan was already on thin ice entering the sentencing, as Judge Martha N. Revel believed that her actions toward her probation terms and words toward the Beverly Hills court were far from honest.
“I am not taking this as a joke, it’s my life and career. I don’t want to you to think I don’t respect you and your terms,” Lohan told the court, according to the Times.
But two legal experts relayed to FoxNews that the fingernail message might fall in the realm of contempt of court. New York City Public Defender Stacy Schneider and Los Angeles Public Defender Greg Apt both saw a strong potential for the curse on her nail to add some days to Lohan’s sentence.
“The judge could hold her in direct contempt, which could be between three to five days in jail for vulgarity,” Apt told FoxNews.
FoxNews’ attempts to reach a Lohan lawyer or any member of her party were unsuccessful.