Nine years ago, America’s acclaimed novelist could have quit with his hit book, The Corrections. Instead, he spent a few more years working on another gem that hit the hearts of the nation’s readers.
Kelly Ripa’s advice for soap star James Franco tops this week’s lineup of the stars’ best lines. Head over to for the entire list.
For more than 10 weeks, the world watched as 33 men battled through an underground ordeal of unforeseen proportions.
Long before Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert descended on the National Mall, the Fox-News figurehead summoned his followers to the Lincoln Memorial for an equally public outpouring of political activism.
The former BP CEO watched his credibility burn alongside the Deepwater Horizon, as his leadership flagged in the face of an unprecedented environmental disaster.
Here at Time Magazine, we’re closing in on our version of The Decision. What should we do?
Between the arrival of the new iPhone 4 and the debut of the ingenious iPad, Apple exceeded its calendar of avant-garde expectations.
This past Halloween, generic costumes were an afterthought for hundreds of thousands of individuals visiting our nation’s capital.
One common spousal skirmish is receiving a helping hand from the government. (Via Ars Technica)
She’s no longer a sidekick. Since joining John McCain’s 2008 presidential ticket, the former governor has morphed into a formidable GOP headliner.
More than 500 million people have chosen to follow his vision for the (sometimes) all-day social addiction.
The Jewish Festival of Lights started Wednesday night. Here are some gifts of holiday knowledge that will keep on giving.