Don’t think that just because a couple of bottles of champagne have been sitting at the bottom of the Baltic Sea for a couple of hundred years they won’t be worth much. Quite the opposite, in fact.
Not sure which sporting event should catch your eye (or ear) this weekend? NewsFeed breaks down a few of the events that could shape the sports scene.
“We have every intention of playing a full schedule, and that’s why we’re releasing it as we normally do.”
— ROGER GOODELL, NFL commissioner, on releasing the 2011-12 schedule despite a lockout being in place that would …
“If drugs are sitting in a warehouse just waiting to be pilfered, we need to figure out a different way to make sure the people who really need them actually get them.”
— DAVID SULLIVAN, a malaria expert at the Bloomberg …
Maybe that long-ago partnership with Taco Bell wasn’t the best image-enhancer for Kraft Foods’ Lunchables brand.
NewsFeed can’t say Adidas can make you any better at basketball. But maybe the company can make you feel like you’re getting faster and jumping higher, and that’s almost the same thing.
Red rover, red rover, send the New York State Department of Health right over.
While NewsFeed wasn’t fortunate enough to be offered a jar of the up-and-coming White House honey, world leaders have found themselves a touch more privileged.
Nothing says anti-Catholic virtue as much as road rage, or so it seems in Poland. The Polish Catholic Church has organized a national day of prayer for the nation’s drivers.
One of the best ways to ensure your favorite musical group will play a personal concert for you is to become a world leader.