
Quotes: Boston Red Sox’s Marco Scutaro

“I know the whole country of Japan hates me. Sorry, sorry. My bad,”

— MARCO SCUTARO, on being unable to preserve his Japanese teammate Daisuke Matzusaka’s no-hitter bid in the eighth inning of the Boston Red Sox’s game against …

Quotes: Lance Armstrong Responds to Floyd Landis

“I would remind everyone that this is a man that has been under oath several times with a very different version … This is somebody that took close to a million dollars from innocent people for his defense under a different

Floyd Landis: Fast Facts

Up until recently, Floyd Landis was in a lengthy legal battle to recover his 2006 Tour de France victory, lost after a test showed Landis had elevated levels of synthetic testosterone in his blood.

Quotes: Paul Pierce’s Hacked Twitter

“Anybody got a BROOM?”

— PAUL PIERCE, or, rather, someone pretending to be him, via Twitter after Pierce’s Boston Celtics took a 2-0 lead over the Orlando Magic in the NBA playoffs last night. While the tweet was widely …

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