REUTERS/Jeff Zelevansky
A report on Yahoo Sports says the ex-USC running back will become the first Heisman Trophy winner to lose the award in the trophy’s 75-year history.
The Heisman Trophy Trust has been investigating improper benefits Bush, now a member of the NFL’s New Orleans Saints, allegedly received during his Heisman-Trophy season in 2005. Sources tell Yahoo the inquiry will result in the organization vacating Bush’s award and leaving the 2005 Heisman Trophy vacant. (See why USC kids are paying for Bush’s mistakes.)
The Heisman investigation follows a separate NCAA investigation into Bush and the USC program. The NCAA found Bush should have been ineligible for much of the 2004 and all of the 2005 seasons due to gifts, money and other benefits the collegiate star received.
USC has already returned their copy of Bush’s award on instruction from university president C.L. Max Nikias. Despite the gesture, the NCAA lowered the boom on USC for the violations, vacating 13 of the football program’s wins and banning the school from postseason bowl play for two years. (via Yahoo Sports)