REUTERS/ Eduardo Munoz
Meet Boo Boo and Giant George, two dogs begging for a buddy-cop TV show.
They’re the world’s smallest and largest dogs, as recorded by the Guinness Book of World Records. The two met yesterday in New York City’s Central Park to promote the newest edition of the Guinness Book.
Boo Boo, a four-year-old long-haired Chihuahua, stands at just four inches tall, weighs 24 ounces and eats her dog food from a teaspoon. Great Dane Giant George, on the other hand, weighs 245 pounds, measures 7-foot-3 from snout to tail, and eats 110 pounds of food every month.
At yesterday’s event, the two received the celebrity treatment — including overwhelming media attention. Check out a video of the paparazzi frenzy below, via AOL News.
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