Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint will star in yet another sequel this year. Joel Ryan/AP
The year isn’t even over, and all NewsFeed wants to know is: what films are going to be worth our while in 2011?
Thankfully, a poll by online movie ticket seller Fandango.com has done the hard work for us and the results aren’t exactly shocking. Over 1,000 people were asked to name their new favorites and both sexes named the final Harry Potter installment, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2 as their no. 1 pick. Whether the elevated ticket price due to the 3D element will please people remains to be seen.
(See TIME’s top 10 movies of 2010.)
But the runner-up did differ among men and women. Unsurprisingly, they went with type as males are readying themselves for The Hangover 2 while women want to sink their teeth into The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn, Part 1.
Away from the films themselves — and we’ll let you decide whether the trend for sequels is a good or bad thing — and the people have also spoken when it comes to naming their sexiest stars. The recently engaged and pregnant Natalie Portman (who NewsFeed predicts will win Best Actress at the Oscars for Black Swan) was the, possibly, shock winner among men (Penelope Cruz topped the list as chosen by female respondents with Angelina Jolie coming second among both sexes). Women went for Johnny Depp, as did men. And with his next Pirates of the Caribbean movie set to do big business at the box office in 2011, it’s yet more evidence that it’s tough being Johnny Depp. (via Yahoo!)