Labrador retriever Hawkeye lays by the casket during the funeral of his owner, Navy SEAL Jon Tumilson.
Have you cried at your desk yet today? Well, you’re about to.
Earlier this week the funeral for Navy SEAL Jon Tumilson, who was killed in Afghanistan, was held in his hometown of Rockford, Iowa. And there among the 1,500 people mourning Tumilson at the service was his Labrador retriever, Hawkeye.
(PHOTOS: Dogs at War)
The photo above was snapped by Tumilson’s cousin, Lisa Pembleton, who captured Hawkeye lying near his master one last time. The dog walked over to the casket at the beginning of the service and “dropped down with a heaving sigh,” reports MSNBC.
Don’t worry if you need a few minutes to compose yourself after seeing this heart-wrenching scene. We’re still not over it.