Forget Bookcases — Now You Can Buy an Entire House from Ikea

The Swedish company has partnered with an architectural firm to bring customers miniature Ikea wonderlands

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A view of the activ house's dining area and living room, complete with Ikea furnishing

Have you ever spent a Saturday afternoon strolling through Ikea, thinking, If only I could live at this magical place?

The Swedish company hasn’t begun renting its showrooms just yet, but it has partnered with Oregon architectural firm Ideabox to launch a line of prefabricated homes. Dubbed “aktiv,” the one-bedroom home will be decked out entirely in hip Ikea decor. Expected to sell at $86,500, the home is Swedish-inspired and “full of personality,” according to Ideabox.

(MORE: Ikea Starts ‘How to Build’ YouTube Channel to Help Frustrated Customers)

The aktiv line is reminiscent of trailers or motor homes — neat little 53 ft. x 14 ft. rectangles packed with funky, oddly named furniture. Ideabox says there’s no wasted space, which makes sense, since there’s not much space to be wasted. A combination of corrugated metal, fiber-cement siding and a metal roof house the mini Ikea wonderland, which comes equipped with a dual-flush toilet and energy-efficient electronics, PSFK reports. And don’t forget Ikea staples like tundra maple flooring, Pax wardrobes and Abstrakt cabinets.

And in case you were wondering — yes, aktiv is Swedish for active. See what they did there?

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