“Is this the real life? Is this just fantasyyyyy?” pondered one drunk man from the back of a cop car.
Arrested for intoxication by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the man sang the entirety of Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody” while being transported to the police station. The song clocks in at nearly six minutes, and he performs it with zero errors. That’s pretty impressive considering just how drunk this guy is, and his rendition is filled with emotion—he even takes off his eyeglasses for dramatic effect.
And, naturally, it’s all on tape, thanks to the cruiser’s on-board camera.
“I have done nothing wrong—even the situation where you grabbed me, has nothing to do with having been sort-of intoxicated…as you proclaim!” the man slurs in the beginning of the video. “What it has to do with is brotherhood of man on the planet Earth!” It’s a less-than-perfect precursor to the passionate song that would follow. Once he launches into the Queen classic, the man doesn’t hesitate a beat until he gets through the entire song. By then, the police car has made it safely to the station.
“Nothing really matters! Nothing really matters! Even the RCMP!” he finishes. And then, falling dead silent, he puts his glasses back on and calmly waits for the cops to open his door.
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