In this photo handout photo provided by the Mount Washington Observatory Monday Oct. 1, 2012 a snowman is seen at the top of the highest peak in the Northeast.
I Don’t Like Mondays: You might feel glum, but we’re betting you’re not having anywhere near as bad a day as this guy. (Telegraph)
Happy National Homemade Cookies Day! And 15 other offbeat October holidays you can celebrate. (Mental Floss)
Why Does Fall Have Two Names? Because “Spring Forward, Autumn Back” is a lousy way to remember daylight savings time. Fine, if you want a better reason, read here. (Slate)
Worst. Marriage Proposal. Ever. Seriously people. STOP DOING THIS. (BuzzFeed)
Infinite Drafts: David Foster Wallace’s fascinating notebooks for his posthumous novel, The Pale King, are now open to the public via the Harry Ransom Center. Here’s a sneak peek. (Flavorwire)
The Phone Stacking Game. Someday, everyone will eat like this. (The Daily
What Does the Earth Sound Like? According to a new NASA study of Van Allen belt radiation? A bit like Radiohead. (Talking Points Memo)
The Healthiest Diet Ever: 31 amazing health foods — with recipes. (
Why Gay Men Still Can’t Donate Blood. Even in the U.S., stigma speaks louder than science, and The Atlantic has the story. (The Atlantic)
99 Problems: Hova thinks he’s got it bad? Check out this NSFW mashup of Jay-Z’s ’99 Problems’, as told by Barack Obama. (YouTube)