A man known as "Professor Gizmo," smokes marijuana in a glass pipe, Wednesday, Dec. 5, 2012, just before midnight at the Space Needle in Seattle. Possession of marijuana became legal in Washington state at midnight.
Happy V-MJ Day! (Get It?) To celebrate the start of marijuana decriminalization in Washington state, a bunch of people got stoned at Seattle’s Space Needle. (BuzzFeed)
Also, Instagram Was There. Inevitably. (BuzzFeed)
And, Probably, This Guy. Pro-pot activist Steve Sarich told CNN that he was “probably four-to-five-times” higher than the legal limit while appearing on air. (Mediaite; CNN)
A Not-So-Nice Place to Live: Here are the 10 most corrupt countries in the world, according to Transparency International. (TIME.com)
Infographic of the Day: How much do the Mad Men of Mad Men really drink? Answer: A lot. (Co.Design)
10 Astonishing New Species Discovered This Year: And the year ain’t over yet. (Mashable)
The New Orleans Hornets May Become the New Orleans Pelicans. While we think naming your sports team after a Julia Roberts movie is a bad idea, other teams have made similar moves in the past. Here’s how it turned out for them. (Mental Floss)
A New York Minute: Jay-Z explains who he is and why he’s famous to the influential-but-not-as-famous-as-Jay-Z artist Ellen Grossman on the subway. (New York Times; The Daily Wh.at)
Now Read This: Flavorwire highlights 25 more notable books somehow overlooked by the New York Times. (Flavorwire)
Harry Reid Compares the GOP to the New York Jets. So who gets blamed for the “butt fumble”? (YouTube)