We might say “Don’t try this at home,” but then what are the chances your home is anywhere near an almost 4,000-foot-long bridge with a peak height of more than 1,000 feet?
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We’re talking about the rough, completely terrifying dimensions of the recently completed (in 2011) Aizhai suspension bridge in central China’s Hunan province — ranked the sixth highest bridge in the world — where Norwegian acrobat Eskil Ronningsbakken decided to do considerably more than sightsee.
Instead, he opted to travel on foot out to the bridge’s center — the highest part, overlooking the lush Dehang Canyon — descend from the bridge’s deck to stand on a lattice of red-painted steel girders, then perform strength-related balancing stunts — without safety cables or tethers — on chairs, jutting cables and other industrial protuberances that’d probably frighten away the steeliest Cirque tumbler.
And then he slid out onto a rope ladder dangling from a hot air balloon while wearing a blindfold of some sort, occasionally balancing like a tightrope walker, at other moments hanging upside-down like a trapeze artist. And he did all that despite fairly strong winds.
“The flag is moving quite a lot,” says Ronningsbakken in the video, indicating a briskly rippling red flag in the background. “Ideally for a balloon it should be still.”
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We might say “Don’t try this at home,” but then what are the chances your home is anywhere near an almost 4,000-foot-long bridge with a peak height of more than 1,000 feet?
(MORE: North Korean Amusement Park To Feature Big Ben and Eiffel Tower)
We’re talking about the rough, completely terrifying dimensions of the recently completed (in 2011) Aizhai suspension bridge in central China’s Hunan province — ranked the sixth highest bridge in the world — where Norwegian acrobat Eskil Ronningsbakken decided to do considerably more than sightsee.
Instead, he opted to travel on foot out to the bridge’s center — the highest part, overlooking the lush Dehang Canyon — descend from the bridge’s deck to stand on a lattice of red-painted steel girders, then perform strength-related balancing stunts — without safety cables or tethers — on chairs, jutting cables and other industrial protuberances that’d probably frighten away the steeliest Cirque tumbler.
And then he slid out onto a rope ladder dangling from a hot air balloon while wearing a blindfold of some sort, occasionally balancing like a tightrope walker, at other moments hanging upside-down like a trapeze artist. And he did all that despite fairly strong winds.
“The flag is moving quite a lot,” says Ronningsbakken in the video, indicating a briskly rippling red flag in the background. “Ideally for a balloon it should be still.”
MORE: Hey, Peter Jackson: Willie Nelson Wants a Part in The Hobbit Films