There’s a vanguard of authors proliferating on Amazon who cater to an untapped, but very lucrative, niche in the literary world — they are the purveyors of monster porn.
Of course, the monster porn label is limiting. Writers with names like Luna Loupe, Alara Branwen, and Mandoline Creme write about heroines with names like Beliria, Marga, and Ula who get in complicated and sometimes literal entanglements with everything from pterodactyls to tentacle monsters to even cuttlefish.
High grossing, albeit tamer, erotica like 50 Shades of Grey has acted as a lifeline for sellers like Barnes & Noble and publishers like Random House. But New York Magazine’s recent interview with two co-authors specializing in dinosaur porn revealed just how lucrative their genre is: “Christie [Sims] and I make more money than our friend who has been working as an engineer at Boeing for a few years and Christie’s friend who is a five-year accountant in Dallas, Texas,” Alara Branwen said.
So we decided to take a look at the wide, often bizarre, range of work that is putting filet mignon on monster erotica authors’ tables. These are the best of the best.