One stranger was so impressed by the way a mother took care of her children while they were having dinner at Pizza Hut that he picked up the bill.
ABC11 reports one Raleigh, North Carolina, mom is having a particularly tough time; she took a year off from college, moved around a lot, and is going through a divorce, according to a letter she sent to the station. To keep her spirits up, she likes to take her two children to a different restaurant every Friday night.
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But dining out is not always a relaxing affair because her 6-year-old son has Asperger Syndrome and ADHD, and her 4-year-old daughter is already exhibiting “bullying tendencies.” So before sitting down to eat at a Pizza Hut in Durham recently, the mother went up to a young man who was sitting by himself in a nearby booth and apologized in advance for her children’s behavior.
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At the end of the meal, the waitress handed her the check and said that same man had paid for everything and bought them a Pizza Hut gift card. He also wrote a letter that brought the two women to tears:
“I have watched you teach your children about the importance of respect, education, proper manners, communication, self control, and kindness all while being very patient…when it starts to get tough do not forget that others may be watching and will need the encouragement of seeing a good family being raised.”
So far the mystery stranger, known only as “Jake,” has yet to come forward and reveal his identity.