This year, Miley Cyrus has gone viral for twerking both in a unicorn onesie in March and alongside teddy bears at the MTV Video Music Awards in late August. And last night, she performed “Wrecking Ball” at the American Music Awards as a CGI kitten traveling through space was projected onto a screen behind her. About halfway through the song, the barely blinking orange tabby started to weep silently and uncontrollably above the pop star, who was decked out in a cat-themed crop top and bathing suit bottom.
Perhaps her performance was inspired by cat-themed fan covers of “Wrecking Ball” on YouTube and on Vine:
If you want to see more animated cats in space, there’s a Tumblr for that (because of course there is).
UPDATE: Lil Bub, the Internet sensation with a tongue that’s always hanging out, emailed MTV News to say that the cat in Miley’s act ripped off her signature look by winking and sticking out her tongue at the end of the performance.
This year, Miley Cyrus has gone viral for twerking both in a unicorn onesie in March and alongside teddy bears at the MTV Video Music Awards in late August. And last night, she performed “Wrecking Ball” at the American Music Awards as a CGI kitten traveling through space was projected onto a screen behind her. About halfway through the song, the barely blinking orange tabby started to weep silently and uncontrollably above the pop star, who was decked out in a cat-themed crop top and bathing suit bottom.
Perhaps her performance was inspired by cat-themed fan covers of “Wrecking Ball” on YouTube and on Vine:
If you want to see more animated cats in space, there’s a Tumblr for that (because of course there is).
UPDATE: Lil Bub, the Internet sensation with a tongue that’s always hanging out, emailed MTV News to say that the cat in Miley’s act ripped off her signature look by winking and sticking out her tongue at the end of the performance.