You’ll never have to drag your wet blanket of a husband around the mall with you again because now there’s a special daycare where you can leave him while you shop. Well, if you live in China, that is.
Kotaku reports that select Chinese shopping centers house husband rest stations called “laogong jicun chu,” which literally translates to — wait for it — “husband cloakroom.” The phenomenon began gaining traction inĀ cities like Shenzhen a few years ago, but at least one example dates back to 2006. In the meantime, a new one has just popped up inĀ Guigang City, with plenty of space for the men to sit around and chat or just be alone with their thoughts or maybe even do “man-things” like burp or talk loudly at each other about sports.
See photos of the new husband cloakroom — along with some older ones — over at Kotaku. Most of them appear to have glass walls so the women can walk by and easily check in on their men without having to interact with them, so that’s yet another perk.