Before he was Bond, Pierce Brosnan was selling Diet Coke’s smooth image in this commercial, which wants you to believe that the soda can save your life, by showing a can of the stuff deflecting a shot from a ninja.
8 Unforgettable Celebrity Super Bowl Ad Cameos
From Britney through the decades to that time Michael Jordan and Bugs Bunny paired up
Diet Coke Helps Pierce Brosnan Fight Ninjas
Full List
- Farrah Fawcett Lets Noxzema “Cream” Joe Namath
- Diet Coke Helps Pierce Brosnan Fight Ninjas
- “Hare Jordan” vs. “Air Jordan”
- Britney Spears Goes Retro for Pepsi
- Charles Barkley’s Ode to Taco Bell
- Jerry Seinfeld Tries Every Trick in the Book to Get an Acura
- Amy Poehler’s Best Buy Adventure
- Seth Rogen and Paul Rudd Fight to Be Samsung Mobile’s ‘Next Big Thing’