Two days before Casey Anthony is scheduled to be released from prison, lawyers argued it out in an Orlando courtroom. Meanwhile a would-be vigilante tried to have it out on the highway with a woman who looks like Casey, but who …
Just when you thought it was safe to turn off your T.V.
In her final appearance in Florida’s Ninth Circuit Court, Casey Anthony stood convicted of four misdemeanors after after being found not guilty of murdering her two-year-old daughter.
Despite being found not guilty of murdering her two-year-old daughter, Casey Anthony must make at least one more appearance in court before her case is closed.
After six weeks of testimony, dozens of witnesses and one full day of deliberation, 12 jurors found Casey Anthony not guilty of murdering Caylee, her 2-year-old daughter.
The seven women and five men charged with determining Casey Anthony’s fate have been sequestered since the trial began May 24. They have finally reached a verdict.
When Judge Belvin Perry, Jr. asked defense lawyer Jose Baez if he had any more live witnesses, Baez said he did not. Perry asked if the defendant would testify, and he said she would not. Perry asked Casey Anthony directly if she …
Dramatic arguments erupted again during the afternoon session of the Casey Anthony trial, this time between prosecutor Jeff Ashton and one of the defense’s expert witnesses. Judge Perry called for several sidebars and sent the …
On the day when many wondered whether Casey Anthony might take the stand, Jose Baez opened testimony by calling her parents, yet again, to the stand.
When court reconvened after lunch, Roy Kronk again took the stand and endured dozens of questions from Casey Anthony’s defense about the day he found Caylee’s decomposed remains.
It’s shaping up to be a long week for the jurors in Casey Anthony’s murder trial.
It seems Jose Baez saved the big guns for the end.