D.C. doesn’t want you to have any regrets. The District of Columbia Health Department has proposed a 24-hour waiting period before anyone can ink themselves with “body art.” The tattoo wait time is only one of many previsions …
New Zealand Anti-Drug-Driving Ad Goes Viral
Garrulous performances from three Māori kids, who brag about whose dad drives the best while “blazed”
Study: Japanese Sleep Least, Mexicans Most
A new “bedroom poll” from the National Sleep Foundation also found that a third of Britons nod off in the buff
3D Printed ‘Robohand’ Replaces Lost Fingers for Cheap
A do-it-yourself prosthesis
Single Guys Hardly Ever Change The Sheets
A new survey from a U.K. mattress company uncovers bad bedroom hygiene
Life Saver: An EMT’s Heart Attack Within a Heart Attack
A Detroit emergency worker risks his life to perform CPR
Obese Immigrant Fights Deportation in New Zealand
Citing the potential burden on its health care system, the country has refused to renew a South African chef’s work visa
Study: 23 and 69 Are the Happiest Ages
In case you hadn’t noticed, life is one big roller coaster ride
Letting the Bedbugs Bite: Repellant Maker Fined for Misleading Ads
“Good night, sleep tight…”
California Man Plans to Sell Pot at Boulder Farmer’s Market
Waiting to inhale
Wanted: Men to Participate in Live, Public Vasectomies
Talking Cigarette Packs Try to Get Smokers to Quit
Some test subjects considered quitting just to get the packs to shut up