
Quotes: Jimmy Harrell on Deepwater Horizon Explosion

“The rig’s on fire! I told you this was gonna happen.”

— JIMMY HARRELL, installation manager for the Deepwater Horizon, allegedly shouting after the explosion that eventually sunk the rig and started the oil spill in the Gulf. …

Quotes: Gadgets Effect on the Human Brain

“We are exposing our brains to an environment and asking them to do things we weren’t necessarily evolved to do. We know already there are consequences.”

— ADAM GAZZALEY, neuroscientist at the University of California, …

Quotes: Participating in the Mars Research Mission

“When the very first human steps on Mars, I will be able to say, ‘yeah, I helped do that’. That will make me feel very proud.”

— DIEGO URBINA, a participant in a research mission to test the effects of a trip to Mars on human …

Quotes: Musicians to Boycott Arizona

“We are not going to play in Arizona. We are going to boycott Arizona.”

— ZACH DE LA ROCHA, lead singer for Rage Against the Machine, on a musician boycott of Arizona over the state’s controversial immigration law. The coalition of artists, dubbed The Sound Strike, includes Kanye West, Sonic Youth and Cypress Hill (via BBC)

Quotes: Al Gore and Tipper Gore Separating

“We are announcing today that after a great deal of thought and discussion, we have decided to separate.”

— AL AND TIPPER GORE, in an e-mail obtained by Politico, announcing their separation. The couple has been married for …

Quotes: Noise Pollution Threatens Fish Worldwide

“The level and distribution of underwater noise is growing at a global scale but receives very little attention,”

HANS SLABBEKOORN, a biologist at Leiden University in The Netherlands, warning that noise levels may threaten fish …

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