“The plane shook with vibrations and split into two,”
— G.K. PRADEEP, a survivor from the Air India Express plane that crashed on Saturday, killing some 158 people. Pradeep and seven others are thought to be the only survivors. …
“The plane shook with vibrations and split into two,”
— G.K. PRADEEP, a survivor from the Air India Express plane that crashed on Saturday, killing some 158 people. Pradeep and seven others are thought to be the only survivors. …
“I think it is important to send a clear message to North Korea that provocative actions have consequences,”
— HILLARY CLINTON, U.S. secretary of state, condemning North Korea’s torpedoing of a South Korean warship in …
“I want to clear my conscience. I don’t want to be part of the problem any more.”
— FLOYD LANDIS, cyclist and winner of the 2006 Tour De France (later disqualified), admitting he took performance-enhancing drugs in an …
“For each evil spirit that was supposedly around me, she told me a certain number of thousand of dollars that I needed to bring to her … She told me if I didn’t give her more and more money, that something terrible would befall
“Everybody is entitled to have a bad day, no matter who you are. Everybody has a bad day. But I don’t think a bad day comes from not hustling. That can’t be stood for. When you’re having a bad day, you can still hustle.” …
We’ve got to hand it to former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin – the woman knows how to give a good quote.
“I am ‘radioactive,’ sir. When Obama threw me under the bus, he threw me under the bus literally!”
— REV. JEREMIAH WRIGHT, Barack Obama’s former pastor, on his current relationship with the administration. Wright’s …
“The amount of ash is fluctuating on an hourly basis. The situation is very fluid,”
–SPOKESMAN of Britain’s Met Office, explaining a controversial decision to delay or cancel some flights over Britain on Tuesday due to …
“Given all the noise in the industry, we want to get out and state a clear position so that our users understand that we take privacy very seriously.”
–Mike Jones, MySpace Co-President, on the site’s new privacy settings. …
“My intention has always been to be completely clear and accurate and straightforward, out of respect to the veterans who served in Vietnam.”
–Richard Blumenthal, Connecticut Attorney General and candidate for U.S. …
“This is a memorable moment. This is a great step forward for us politically and as a society.”
–Vitalino Canas, Portugal’s Socialist Party spokesman, on president Anibal Cavaco Silva’s decision to ratify the nation’s gay …
“They’ve poured some water on the fire, but the fire has not gone out,”
— NIALL FERGUSON, an economic historian at Harvard, on the €750 billion European debt bailout plan announced last week. The New York Times reported …