PostSecret Suicide Confession Starts an Offline Movement
PostSecret posts the innermost secrets of anonymous readers on a weekly basis. Last week’s Golden Gate Bridge suicide secret sparked a movement that led a response past the Web.
PostSecret posts the innermost secrets of anonymous readers on a weekly basis. Last week’s Golden Gate Bridge suicide secret sparked a movement that led a response past the Web.
Ice cream places really don’t make healthy sandwiches. Want proof? Friendly’s newest creation, released early this month, is a burger and grilled cheese in one — you know, in case you can’t choose. We found five more of the …
A disturbing post on PostSecret yesterday revealed an illegal immigrant pledging to jump off the Golden Gate Bridge – but 20,000 online voices have responded with hope.
Have you ever been faced with the dilemma: “I want pancakes, but I also want a cheeseburger?” Or, better yet: “I want pancakes, but I also want to play Tetris?”
File under bizarre, but true.
It sounds nice that 491,000 jobs were created in May. But the surge in Census hires means almost all of May’s booming job creation is simply temporary.
Verified accounts are no fun. The real Twitter winners are the satirical rip-offs, lambasting everyone from Israel to director-who-likes-explosions Michael Bay. Here’s a list of our favorites.
A new Google Maps mashup makes it easy to overlay your town with the spreading oil in the Gulf of Mexico.
There’s one bright spot for two of the American hikers detained in an Iranian prison: two of them are now engaged.
Do not mess with Lost fans’ hearts.
Lost has forced fans to sit through six seasons of pure edge-of-your-seat tension, and it all ends tonight, a fact that makes diehard fans nearly nauseous with anxiety. Could producers screw up the ending of their one true love? …
Gearing up for summer? Think twice before entering your city’s public swimming pool. A new report says 1 in 8 violate health codes.