The swanky department store is selling a $75,000 yurt, designed to resemble the interior of the genie’s bottle from the 1960s sitcom I Dream of Jeannie. This luxury tent can be installed on your property and comes equipped with the finest textiles. It does look cozy, but if you can afford to drop this kind of cash, wouldn’t you want to escape to somewhere more exotic than your backyard?
The 11 Most Extravagant Gifts Money Can Buy
NewsFeed rounds up holiday gift-giving ideas for those to whom money is no object, from your own personal submarine to extreme bling for your pet
Neiman Marcus Dream Folly Fantasy Yurt
Full List
Most Extravagant Gifts
- BabyWit Diamond Pacifier
- Hammacher Schlemmer Animatronic Triceratops
- Virgin Galactic Charter Flight to Space
- I Love Dogs Diamond Dog Collar
- FAO Schwarz Bonzini Babyfoot Barbie Foosball Table
- Neiman Marcus Bespoke Ferrari FF
- Poshtots Victorian Playhouse
- Hammacher Schlemmer Personal Submarine
- Neiman Marcus Dream Folly Fantasy Yurt
- Skydiving with Anthony Bourdain
- Venture Press Ghostwritten Book