“Mo Money Mo Problems,” beyond providing a popular catchphrase, featured a classic performance by an artist partially responsible for Wallace’s early success: Sean Combs, known at the time as Puff Daddy. The single was the second from Life After Death, released posthumously; the video features Combs and collaborator Mase in the flesh, while Wallace is appears with the help of old performance footage broadcast on a screen the two rappers watch. But the video was hardly the first time Combs and Wallace collaborated. Combs was employed by New York’s Uptown Records when he heard Wallace’s early demo tape; notably, while working at the label he signed Mary J. Blige, and later was able to sign Wallace to the label. A concert-promoting incident forced Combs out of Uptown, but in establishing his own Bad Boy Records he made Wallace the label’s first star. “Mo Money Mo Problems” peaked at #1 on Billboard’s Rap, R&B and Pop Charts, and was certified platinum following Wallace’s death.