As the French say, cherchez la femme. At the heart of the Secret Service prostitution scandal is Dania Suarez, the 24-year-old single mother and alleged escort in Cartagena who caused a commotion after an agent tried to pay her $28 for $800 worth of service (prostitution is legal in Cartagena). A week ago, Suarez sparked a media frenzy when the New York Daily News uncovered photos of the sultry brunette in next-to-no clothing and some suggestive poses. Now, Suarez has gone into hiding over worries about being “overexposed,” although she’s said she’ll cooperate with U.S. investigators.
Who’s Who in the Colombia Secret Service Prostitution Scandal
It has all the trappings of a Hollywood movie: a high-profile government agency brought down by allegations of sexual misconduct. Here are the stars of the Secret Service prostitution scandal, both home and abroad.