WATCH: Live Lip-Dub Marriage Proposal Goes Viral

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Okay, guys, if you were planning on a wacky, high-concept, over-the-top, moment-she’ll-never-forget scheme to propose to the love of your life, you can just forget it: Isaac Lamb has already beaten you.

The Portland, Ore. actor asked girlfriend Amy Frankel to marry him using a pair of videocameras, a pair of headphones, a Honda CRV, a Bruno Mars ballad and 60 exuberantly shameless friends and relatives (hey, this is Portland). A video of the event, titled “Isaac’s live lip-dub proposal” went viral late last week and has racked up some 5 million views on YouTube so far.

(MORE: The Marriage Proposal to Beat)

As the video begins, a friend of the couple’s has Frankel sit on the floor of the Honda’s open hatchback, looking out the back, as the vehicle slowly rolls down a residential street. What follows is a big, happy festival of worryingly confident people of all ages and sartorial penchants (wow, look at that girl in the pink dress shimmy) lip-syncing and dancing before her, as Bruno Mars’ song “Marry You”, plays over Frankel’s headphones. There are also dancing Jews and what appears to be an entire marching band.

(LIST: The 10 Most Lavish Weddings)

Lamb told Oregon Live: “To be honest it’s a little overwhelming. I’m really, really, really touched by how positive people’s reactions have been … The love I genuinely feel for my fiancé has touched other people. I never expected this and I’m really amazed by the response. My intention was never to make a viral video.”

Well, that failed: so far Lamb’s proposal has been featured on The Today Show, Good Morning America, and Ellen. Even Bruno Mars himself had something to say:


Frankel, by the way, said yes.

MORE: Marriage Proposal Caught on Camera During Reporter’s Liveshot

Okay, guys, if you were planning on a wacky, high-concept, over-the-top, moment-she’ll-never-forget scheme to propose to the love of your life, you can just forget it: Isaac Lamb has already beaten you.

The Portland, Ore. actor asked girlfriend Amy Frankel to marry him using a pair of videocameras, a pair of headphones, a Honda CRV, a Bruno Mars ballad and 60 exuberantly shameless friends and relatives (hey, this is Portland). A video of the event, titled “Isaac’s live lip-dub proposal” went viral late last week and has racked up some 5 million views on YouTube so far.

(MORE: The Marriage Proposal to Beat)

As the video begins, a friend of the couple’s has Frankel sit on the floor of the Honda’s open hatchback, looking out the back, as the vehicle slowly rolls down a residential street. What follows is a big, happy festival of worryingly confident people of all ages and sartorial penchants (wow, look at that girl in the pink dress shimmy) lip-syncing and dancing before her, as Bruno Mars’ song “Marry You”, plays over Frankel’s headphones. There are also dancing Jews and what appears to be an entire marching band.

(LIST: The 10 Most Lavish Weddings)

Lamb told Oregon Live: “To be honest it’s a little overwhelming. I’m really, really, really touched by how positive people’s reactions have been … The love I genuinely feel for my fiancé has touched other people. I never expected this and I’m really amazed by the response. My intention was never to make a viral video.”

Well, that failed: so far Lamb’s proposal has been featured on The Today Show, Good Morning America, and Ellen. Even Bruno Mars himself had something to say:


Frankel, by the way, said yes.

MORE: Marriage Proposal Caught on Camera During Reporter’s Liveshot