Hours after being identified as the whistleblower in the Gen. David Petraeus scandal, Jill Kelley attends birthday gathering at her home on Bayshore Blvd. in Tampa, Fla.
A Tampa housewife and “social liaison” is the alleged second woman in the widening Petraeus scandal. After Kelley supposedly received threatening emails from Paula Broadwell, Petraeus’ alleged mistress, she contacted a local FBI agent in order to file a complaint. The 37-year-old Kelley is a well-connected socialite and mother of three young children, who lives in Tampa with her husband Scott, a prominent cancer surgeon. She met Gen. Petraeus and his family when he was based at the nearby MacDill Air Force Base as the head of U.S. Central Command in 2008. Kelley is involved with the Central Command unit as a volunteer social liaison, helping to plan events for the military. Broadwell’s emails reportedly accused Kelley of having a sexual relationship with Petraeus. Friends note that Kelley has denied all misconduct and was simply speaking out against the alleged accusations made by Broadwell.
While no romantic connection between Petraeus and Kelley has been uncovered (though they are said to have exchanged numerous emails and instant messages each week via official channels), a link has been drawn between Kelley and Marine Corps Gen. John Allen. FBI agents retrieved “20,000 to 30,000” pages of email and correspondence between Kelley and Allen, who was set to be promoted to the post of Supreme Allied Commander Europe. The messages between them were “flirtatious,” according to a senior defense official.
Kelley hasn’t spoken publicly about her role in the scandal, aside from a statement released over the weekend noting that her family still remains friends with the Petraeuses and asking for privacy for all parties involved. Kelley, who previously had “wave-in” access to the MacDill Air Force base in Tampa, has had her pass to the base revoked. She can still enter the base but must sign in with security like other visitors.
MORE: Two-Minute Bio: Jill Kelley, Military Liaison and Scandal Whistle-Blower