Publish Date: Jan. 2, 1928
Cover Story: Heroes: Lindbergh
How TIME Covered the News: After Lindbergh successfully flew solo across the Atlantic in May of 1927, TIME’s editors took heat for not putting him on the cover. So, during a particularly slow news week as the calendar flipped over to 1928, the editors created the “Person of the Year” franchise to showcase the importance of Lindbergh’s journey.
To date he has flown to France; Belgium; England; Mexico; Canada in the interests (his) of aviation progress and the interests (governmental) of international good will. In his own writings last week he pointed out the risks of flying over lonely Central American mountains. Grumblers wondered if interest accruing to the national welfare by his flights is worth the calamitous crash of principal which would accompany his death. Col. Lindbergh is the most cherished citizen since Theodore Roosevelt. Thought they: “He is worth keeping.” One way to keep him is to keep him on the ground.