Publish Date: Sept. 9, 1957
Cover Story: The Engine Inside the Hood
How TIME Covered the News: Jimmy Hoffa was a labor man on the brink of triumph. In the autumn of 1957, the 44-year-old Teamsters vice president was a leader on the rise, in control of a sizable voting bloc, his eyes fixed on the top perch.
“The mark of Hoffa’s skill is that he has been able to win widespread confidence on both sides of the bargaining table while borrowing money under curious circumstances from businessmen with Teamster contracts, consorting with hoods and ruthlessly pushing around local Teamster leaders who got in his way. He teamed up with New York Racketeer Johnny Dio to discredit old-time Teamster Vice President Tom Hickey and to dethrone Martin Lacey from the presidency of the powerful New York Teamsters Joint Council 16 (some 60 locals).”