Naming Nuisance: Mark (S.) Zuckerberg’s Facebook Account Deleted
That is, Mark S. Zuckerberg, not the more famous Mark E. Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook. Life on the Internet can be tough for a Googleganger. (via Techland)
That is, Mark S. Zuckerberg, not the more famous Mark E. Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook. Life on the Internet can be tough for a Googleganger. (via Techland)
Kids say the darndest things.
There’s a lot of odd Photoshopping going on with the now-iconic photo of U.S. officials being updated on the bin Laden raid.
The sexy and slightly sacrilegious new video from mother monster will not doubt set purists rankling, but look beyond her casting as Mary Magdalene, the biker outfits and torrid love triangle and “Judas” isn’t peddling …
Was bin Laden’s burial religiously appropriate? And what’s in store for bin Laden’s afterlife? An expert weighs in.
Truth, justice and not just the American way — Superman decides it’s time to become a global citizen in the 900th issue of Action Comics.
Details of America’s plan to find and kill Osama bin Laden are still emerging. Here’s what reports have told us so far:
We can hear it across the country: Hey, honey, could you pick up some butter? And while you’re at it what about a Remington 12-gauge?
Glasgow’s Edward Reid brings soul to the nursery rhyme. You’ll never think of old MacDonald the same way again.
Would you recognize it if you smelled it? The US-based Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab thinks they can. They’ve taken a stab at it with their line of RPG inspired perfumes.
Yes, sir. You don’t have to tell NewsFeed twice.
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