Video: You’ll Never Want to See a Dolphin Show Again
Let me outta here!!!
Let me outta here!!!
Happy National Hot Dog Month.
Male Divas. Divos? Mevas? Either way, these dudes have way too much attitude.
“How do I retweet myself?” he asked. Or rather, his ginormous, over-inflated ego asked on Twitter.
It’s all fun and games until the Gulf gets destroyed by a massive oil leak.
Admit it, you’re guilty. Repeat after me, my name is _______ and I am a Facebook addict.
With an astounding 659,141 votes North Korea claims the top prize: Justin Bieber will take his My World Tour to the secretive, Communist-led nation. Or will he?
The man who once advocated abolishing America’s public schools, opened a school of his own today.
Every now and then there is a rare moment when you, dear Internet-user, get to decide the course of history.
Brain-eating, undead, demonic creatures — now that’s what I call romance!
It was bound to happen. Sex is popular. Snuggies are popular. Why not put the two together?
Well, talk about joining the mile high club.