India’s Rupee Gets a Symbol of Its Own
The dollar is $. The Euro is €. The pound is £. But the rupee was stranded without a symbol, until today.
The dollar is $. The Euro is €. The pound is £. But the rupee was stranded without a symbol, until today.
The latest fad Twilight can claim credit for inspiring…‘Vampire Veneers’.
Meet Milo, he’s extremely perceptive, able maintain intelligible conversation, can read even your subtlest emotion, and won’t ever forget your name. Did we mention he’s a video game character?
Google, after recently running an analysis of its search queries, was able to determine which country stands at number one in sex-related content search. And you’ll never guess which one won out.
Attention: If you are a Guinness Record hopeful and are hopelessly inept, we’ve found an event for you. Assuming you’re willing to bare it all.
Now John Mayer has never been high on our list of public figures with overwhelming humility or subtlety, so when his latest ‘Announcement’ of tour dates surfaced, many probably rolled their eyes as the pot called the kettle black.
All hail automation: It would seem vending machines are the new sales clerks as more and more products are sold via imposing glass box. Stocked inside we’re accustomed to seeing snacks, sodas, and, occasionally electronic …
I’m willing to bet you all thought the only place you’d find money flowing through the streets would be either in a bad lottery commercial, or a Lucky Charms ad. Well think again! (via BBC)
The Fourth of July marks a time to commemorate the rights and freedoms upon which this country was built. This year, the ACLU would encourage everyone to remember that they believe this also includes the right to swear. (via ACLU)
For most airline passengers, the security signs are rather straightforward: No lighters, no liquids, and no objects capable of laceration (that includes tweezers people). But ten-year-old Carly Helm was singled out for a carry-on …