Back to school for you, kids! If you’re American, you might be spoon-fed the (historically dubious) notion that the Founding Fathers explicitly wanted us to be a Christian nation. But it could be worse: You could live somewhere else!
Cambridge Steals Top-University Title from Harvard
Look out, American colleges — the Brits are on your tail.
Is Lil Wayne the New Nabokov?
In a nutshell: yes, he is.
This Kid is Smarter Than Yours
Arran Fenandez is going to Cambridge University. Quite a lot of people do that, but not at 15 and a quarter years old.
At the University of Florida, You Can Get an A in Starcraft
Hooray for American higher education!
Awful Parents: 30% of You Think Your Kids Are Boring
A new study in the UK has found that a third of parents think that playing with their children is boring. (via the Guardian)
Best Lunch Hour Ever: Iowa State Bell Tower Lets Loose With Lady Gaga
Iowa State University ended its first week of classes with a Quasimodo-style rendition of Bad Romance.
Are Universities Digitally Tracking Students?
First day of school necessities: paper, pencils, tracking device?
Is This the End of Printed Dictionaries?
Who would have thought free, instant technology would have killed a 130-pound, $1,165 set of reference books? Oh, right, everyone.
Want to Be Class President in Mississippi? You Need to Be White [UPDATED]
Students at Nettleton Middle School must be doing great on their American History exams, because their school is almost literally living in the past!
Jon Gosselin to Abandon Self-Seriousness, Write Parenting Book If It Will Make People Notice
If you look up the word ‘irony’ in the dictionary, you will not find it because today it exploded.