School days are upon us again, and so is the angst that students go through as college classes begin and registrars warn incoming freshmen: “Fish betta have my money!”
Guyana’s Health Minister Cautions Against Singing Too Much About Rum
NewsFeed has long been a fan of West Indian chutney. However, we have noticed that every time we listen to the latest hits we have a strange urge to drink. (And to dance, but that’s another story.)
The ‘Taj Mahal of Schools’ Cost Taxpayers $578M
Reading, writing, arithmetic — and a manicured public park.
Kids These Days: Woefully Unprepared For College
Less Silly Bandz, more bookz.
Crime Roundup: Spying on Children, Being a Pirate Now (Sort of) OK
What do people have to do to get charged with crimes around here?
The Class of 2014 Doesn’t Use Cursive — Or E-mail
The next class of incoming college freshmen consider Nirvana “oldies” and Clint Eastwood a director. They know Fergie as a Black-Eyed Pea and not a Duchess of York. Get ready to feel old.
Take That, Princeton: Harvard Takes Back Top-College Rank
U.S News and World Report released their highly-contested ranking of the top universities, and it looks like they’ve switched their favorite color from orange to red.
Study: Teen Sex Won’t Always Hurt Grades
Worried parents can breathe a little easier today, after results of a study were released that suggest that not all teens who have sex have lower grades as a result.
Will Pay for an A: Website Lets Students Gamble on Grades
Is Poetry 101 an easy A? Care to put some money on it?
Classroom Paddling Still Allowed In A Lot of States
For 40 percent of the United States, corporal punishment is alive and well. We couldn’t believe it either, but in 20 U.S. states, paddling, a type of corporal punishment in which teachers and/or administrators strike students …
Google Says There Are 129, 864, 880 Books In The World
And, no, that half-finished diary, er, memoir in your desk drawer doesn’t count.
University of Georgia Tops Party-School List
This is a victory students might celebrate — and administrators might moan about.