NewsFeed talked to Chevy Chase a few weeks ago for an extended interview that touched on his comic influences and his long career. During the interview, we had to ask him about Saturday Night Live. He had quite a few thoughts …
Hope they enjoyed our kitten videos!
Like a grizzly bear to a salmon, last night the Bristol train destroyed the presumptive favorite.
Step one is very complicated: Buy some green beans.
NewsFeed was going to bid $47 million, but we decided to spend our money on something more useful, like a yacht filled with white truffle pudding.
In the same week that his older brother announced his engagement, it appears that Prince Harry may be sent back to Afghanistan. That sounds totally fair.
As an homage to Girl Talk, every word in this blog post is actually taken from a great work of Western literature!
Remember the tale of the comically inept Russian spies whose small-time exploits had us laughing all summer? Now it turns out there might actually be lives at stake in the matter.
It’s like the Crimean War, if the Crimean War were started by an oversensitive pop star.
But they probably knew about this news ages ago.