Prices start at $5, and all donations go to the space-education project Uwingu
This Speeding Star Made Something Beautiful
In a galaxy far, far away
This Time-Lapse Video of the Northern Lights Will Make You Feel All the Feelings
Because actually, nature is incredible.
Winnipeg’s New Year’s Was Literally as Cold as a Barren Alien Wasteland
A cold front plummeted the city into temperatures colder than Mars
So Uh, We May Have Slightly Underestimated the Chance of a Massive Asteroid Hitting Earth
NASA’s New Heartbeat Sensor Could Save Lives
The portable device uses radar technology to find people trapped beneath rubble
Frog Photobombs NASA Rocket Launch
One giant leap for amphibians
200,000 Apply For One-Way Trip to Mars
Mars One is looking for volunteers to start a human colony on Mars, but the technology for a return trip doesn’t exist yet
Watch: Meteor Flies Over Tennessee
Correction appended, Sept 5., 2013
NASA clocked this meteor speeding at around 56,000 miles an hour when it broke apart over southern Tennessee early Wednesday morning. Not to worry, the space rock only reached at an altitude …
Sending Your Ashes into Space Just Got a Lot Cheaper
For less than $2000, loved ones can send a vial of your cremains into orbit, then track their final journey by phone
Supermoon Looms Large: The Year’s Biggest Full Moon Rises
The moon reached its closest point in its orbit this weekend during a full moon, giving rise to the “supermoon,” appearing 30 percent brighter and 14 percent larger than a typical full moon. While the supermoon is mythically …
WATCH LIVE: Supermoon 2013, the Year’s Biggest, Brightest Full Moon
Watch as the year’s largest full moon — also known as the supermoon or perigee moon — lights up the night sky