Besides “a lot”
A Brief History of The Honey Badger Meme
In light of the PBS Nature documentary on the honey badger airing tonight, some background on 2011’s favorite viral video
Watch This 3 Year Old Open the Best Birthday Present Ever
In the box? Her army dad back from Afghanistan
This Video of Baby Goats Prancing Around a Living Room Is Unfathomably Adorable
Can’t even handle
Barack Obama Is Reportedly The Face of Fake “Viagra” in Pakistan
And it only costs $1 for four pills
Pizza Hut Employee Fired for Peeing in the Kitchen Sink
Pizza Hut? More like PEEza hut.
Pharrell Says He’s Not A Vampire, Which Is EXACTLY What a Vampire Would Say
Yet, no pictures of him eating garlic are available online
How Long Does Your State Last?
Americans don’t exactly take their time in the sack
If Larry David Replaced Kevin Spacey in House of Cards, This Is What Would Happen
We’d totally binge-watch this
The Apocalypse Starts Saturday, at Least According To The Vikings
This is the way the world ends, not with a bang but with a sprawling Nordic god fight
Reindeer in Finland Are Getting Fabulous Glittering Antlers to Help Save Their Lives
It’s to prevent accidents, not to make them look like disco divas, but still
How Men and Women Use Social Media Differently in One Graphic
Women dominate on Facebook, but men are more prevalent on Twitter