Fans With Shovels: Metrodome-less Vikings Ask Purple and Gold to Remove Snow From Outdoor Stadium
Ever wondered what it was like to step foot on a college football field? Then grab a shovel.
Ever wondered what it was like to step foot on a college football field? Then grab a shovel.
Instead of your typical molten lava, it at one time spewed ice and other awesome things into the atmosphere.
Sorry, it’s not a hot dog. It’s a haute dog. Oh, and an outrage.
Today they may have Tweeted: “Thousands dead in Hawaii after JP attack. Worst ever on homeland. FDR: US in it to win it.”
Science bloggers are going a bit nuts over the vague announcement by NASA on Monday that it will discuss an “astrobiology finding that will impact the search for evidence of extraterrestrial life.”
According to the state’s office of homeland security, they have no idea what he’s talking about.
…And discover that 3,000-year-old music kind of stinks. Then again, in their defense, the recently rediscovered conch shells can only play a couple notes.
Join your fellow passengers this Thanksgiving — in helping everyone miss their flight home!
The Transportation Security Administration is battling a viral wave of criticism after multiple stories have emerged of all-too-intimate full-body pat-downs. Happy Thanksgiving indeed!
And the Khmer Rouge was so bogus.
We didn’t think Betty White had enough time for this.
NASA is on a mission: to make space travel more interactive.